• Molly and all other ladies

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    Molly and all other Ladies,

    It's with sadness that I have to say that my surgeries with Dr. Ronald Pino were dissaster. He did to much work on me and didn't take proper care after. I came back to Toronto half alive and spend lots of time in hospital. I was on IV and now I'm for the next 2 weeks on antybiotic in pills. I have staph infection, open leaking wounds and 2 pelvic abccesses. I may need surgery but Canadian doctors decided not to oparte on me now because my body was abused so much that it may be dengerous.

    I was researching internet for surgeon in CR for one year and felt safe to go with Dr. Pino because there were good posts about him. Now, I have done more researches and found bad posts also. I feel obligated to say the truth to warn others from going through the missery similar to mine. No one should be directed by all those great posts because those ladies who had bad surgeries decide not to speak up being afraid of attacks. Everyone should be careful and don't make the same mistake I did.

    Sorry for my writing but I'm still sick and weak.

    Regards, Maggie.

    PS. Please, check www.plasticsurgeryjourneys,.com

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