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    Canadian Immigration System

    Објавено од  Juan Molinari во Канада форум  

    Hi, Diana and all other members of this forum. There are many articles and statistical data showing that the Canadian immigration system is totally kaput. Let's begin by an easy and accessible source, the Wikipedia. Bellow are some relevant excerpts from the article "Economic impact of immigration to Canada". Notice that there are references all over the article:

    "...over the last 25 years the economic position of newcomers to Canada relative to the native population has steadily declined. A 2007 Statistics Canada study shows that the income profile of recent immigrants deteriorated by a significant amount from 2000 to 2004.[1] Recent immigrants themselves are far more likely than native born Canadians to initially have low incomes, with income and employment rates increasing towards the national average with more time spent in Canada." (Comment: notice that there are no reference to support this last sentence. Strange, eh?).

    "In terms of the impact of immigration to economy-wide wage levels, Statistics Canada estimates that for every 10% increase in the population from immigration, wages in Canada are now reduced by 4% on average (with the greatest impact to more skilled workers, such as workers with post-graduate degrees whose wages are reduced by 7%).[32] (Comment: the kernel of the problem: since this negative relation exists, according to no less than Statistics Canada, then an *out of control immigration system* that brings much more people than the economy needs, will naturally cause unemployment, poverty, social problems... as we are already seeing).

    "In part because of the credential issue, many immigrants are forced to find work below their education level and at lower wages. However, even for doing work of the same skill level immigrants are much less well compensate than their native born counterparts. Immigration scholar Jeffrey Reitz calculated that in 2001 native Canadians were benefiting from, and immigrants were losing out on, between $2 and 3 billion per year due to this imbalance.[33]"

    "There are a number of possible explanations for why newcomers earn less than native Canadians in the same jobs with the same skills. Lower hourly wages might be an indication that the labour productivity of immigrants is lower, and employers thus have reason to pay them less. Racism is also a possibility. The wage imbalance is especially true for visible minorities, indicating that racism plays a role. New workers are also less familiar with the Canadian labour market and will thus not be able to maximize their salaries. Employers will also be less familiar with an immigrant's background and thus less willing to offer the same salary as to a native.[34]" (Comment: Notice that the term "racism", in this context, doesn't explain the whole phenomenon, since it applies even to immigrant who are not part of the so called "visible minority", If you have the "wrong name" (neither anglo nor french) or just have an accent. So I would say, yes, there is racism, but the most appropriate term would be **Discrimination**).

    "In recent years the unemployment rate for newcomers has also increased. In 1981 those who had just arrived had a high rate of unemployment, but those who had been in the country five years were more likely than average to be employed. By 2001 the transition period had expanded, and now it takes ten years before newcomers reach the same employment rate as those born in Canada.[35] In 2006, the unemployment rate of recently arrived immigrants year was 11.5%, considerably above the native Canadian average of 4.9%. For more established immigrants who had been in Canada between 5 and 10 years the rate fell to 7.3%[36]" (Comment: Pay attention people! The so called "transition period" increased to 10 years!!! in 2006. Almost 5 years after and in the middle of the Great-Recession (which is far from over in Canada, as even such organizations as EDC admits) that period could not have decreased and is certainly much longer now. The official unemployment rate is also much higher now. And notice the term "official". It means that many, or most, of those considered "employed" are in truth **underemployed**).

    "Higher rates of unemployment and lower wages combine to give newcomers less income than the Canadian average. Analysis of census data as of 2000 shows that immigrant incomes were at 80% of the national average after 10 years of residing in Canada.[39] In previous decades, immigrant income levels did rise to the national average after 10 years, but in recent years the situation has deteriorated. A 2003 study published by Statistics Canada noted that "in 1980 recent immigrants had low-income rates 1.4 times that of Canadian born, by 2000 they were 2.5 times higher, at 35.8%."[40] The study noted that the deterioration was widespread and affected most types of immigrants. The 2003 study explains that the low-income rate among non-immigrants declined in the 1990s, but this was more than offset by the income profile of new immigrants, resulting in a net rise in Canada's total low-income rate. ***An updated January 2007 study by Statistics Canada, explains that the deterioration continued into the next decade, with the low-income rate of recent immigrants reaching rates of 3.5 times that of Canadian born in 2002 and 2003, before edging back to 3.2 times in 2004.[1] ** The 2007 study explains that this deterioration has occurred even though Canada implemented changes in 1993 to encourage more highly educated immigrants, with 45% of new immigrants having university degrees as of 2004. (Comment: Notice the passage I put between stars: according to Statistics Canada evaluation in 2007, the deterioration continued. Imagine how is the situation now. Let's see the results of the next census which will be applied next year...).

    "Decline in economic well being

    Over the last 25 years the economic position of newcomers to Canada relative to the native population has steadily declined. A number of theories have been advanced to explain these issues.

    1. The selection process is flawed;[13]
    2. Government and corporate policies deliberately shift immigrants to secondary sector occupations. These are jobs characterized by high instability, hazardous work environments, and low pay. Inherently those involved in these sectors will have lower wages and more periods of unemployment. In several European countries the immigration system is almost fully designed to try and fill these positions. This is less the case in Canada, but significant recruitment programs for sectors such as agriculture and oil and gas recruit many workers to perilous jobs.[42]
    3. Newer immigrants from outside of Europe are victims of racial discrimination.[43]
    4. Canada's social programs create incentives that conflict with the employment objective;[13] and/or
    5. Increased job competition among even native-born Canadians has increased the importance of relying on networking to access the "hidden market," putting immigrants at a disadvantage given their lack of deep and broad networks.[44]" (Comments: Actually no need of comments, but pay attention to the key word "networking" or "hidden market" => This system is not meritocratic my friends!!!).

    Well, I stop here, because it is already too long. But I would be more than happy to provide further information about the REAL STORY of the Canadian immigration system. And I don't charge any money for that...

    You all can reach your own conclusions. If you think the word SCAM is too strong an statement... well, think of other words. But the point is that there is something rotten is this whole immigration system.

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