• You replied to yourself

    geplaatst door Verwijderde gebruiker in Qatar forum 

    To all that reads this lovely forum please note the post on the 20th November 2009. DELETED USER replied to DELETED USER. SUSSED! you idiotic cretin. You replied to yourself and the only way you can do this is to log in as DELETED USER Hahahahahahaha. You not only replied to yourself, but you replied as WHATUPWITHTHAT.
    YOU are the one that created the fictitious story that Blazing Light and Enigma are the same person.
    YOU are the one that creates multiple profiles. YOU are the one talking to yourself and lastly,
    YOU GOT CAUGHT OUT ON A PUBLIC FORUM!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that ?
    Yes, everybody the plot thickens. DELETED USER has given us all proof that SHE is dishonest to put it mildly. SHE actually created DELETED USER to spread her venom and tried to reply to the post as WhATSUP WITHTHAT.
    Yes Jeff good luck, because you already posting to yourself.

    PS. The game is just beginning and I am not tired of you yet, far from it sweet.

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