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    How it works

    опубликовал  Expat in Kuwait в форум в Кувейт 

    Yes, if you try to talk with someone who doesn't want to understand, it costs at least a headache. So, why to waste time arguing ?

    Since yesterday, I don't have anymore headache paying according to the taximeter. Example: from Hawally Park to Marina Mall, how much I paid ? 750 fils (the taximeter was 680 fils). You know like me they like to charge: 1.5kd.

    How I proceed ? I ask a yellow taxi if he goes to the area I want. If so, 2 possibilities:
    He put the taximeter on because the Police needs to see the 2 red lights above the car, on the taxi name board, if a customer is inside. Arrived, I just say the number indicated by the taximeter (to make clear my intention to the driver), pay it and leave, without looking if the taxi driver is happy or not.
    -He accepts to drop me to my destination but he starts arguing about the price. I don't want to hear it, the answer is: "I will pay according to the taximeter. If you don't want, I call the Police." Done !

    The rule is here. It's not negotiable. Why to argue with them ? It's like you try to prove them they are wrong. But no need, we know and they know they are wrong.

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