• Anton Larsson


    опубликовал  Anton Larsson в форум в Испания 

    Hello everyone!
    My name is anton and I'm not living in Spain just yet, hopefully that will change very soon! I live in Greece at the moment, making my living as a bar-musician, although it doesn't really cover my expenses... I lived in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia for 1 year, doing an EVS-projekt(volonteer) and I completely fell in love with Spain. So now I wanna move back hopefully to stay longer this time. The fact that I already learnt spanish and lived in spain for 1 year should make this a little easier, atleast that's what I hope! I wish to move somewhere in Andalucía as the whole situation and flamenco stuff over there is highly interesting to me! ;)
    Anyway this site seems amazing and I'm sure I'll meet some nice people and that we'll be able to help eachother!! Abrazos /"Antonio"

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