• hello...

    zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Nemecko 

    please watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvpFeyoKbkg

    i believe it concludes the entire argument of this topic. the video clip is a 8min interview with a german journalist, Guenther Wallraff. i highly recommend you all to watch it (it's in german and sorry no subtitles available). my advice is to go learn some german :P (just kidding, i'm sure someone can summarise for you)

    i am not saying racism is exclusive to germany however, there is certainly a higher chance of being racially discriminated against just for the colour of your skin and that is what a lot of caucasians in general are oblivious to.

    the way i see it... there are a number of explanations for the racial discrimination:

    1. it's a taboo subject for native germans to deal with because of the nazi era so they don't like to discuss it.

    2. constantly voting for old fashioned government organisations (CDU, SPD) with douchebags such as Westerwelle and Sarrazin are not fixing the issue. got to love german bureaucracy ;)

    3. it feels like the german education system is not being changed to suit 21st century standards (well, they did introduce international university standards a few years ago but still requires reform).

    as a overall result, there are a lot of uneducated people roaming around the streets - hence the racial discrimination and high unemployment.

    btw, can someone tell me why NPD are allowed to form a government party? considering germany is a nanny state - i don't really understand why they allow this.

    sorry for any inaccuracies about german politics. i'm still trying to learn/understand it - and i think it's the main reason why migrants have shite experiences in germany.

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