• Идите до профила Daniel L

    Yes, it is VERY hard to find friends in this country!!!

    објавио/-ла је  Daniel L у Швајцарска Форум 

    I have been here for 4 years and all of my friends either are foreigners or they have some foreign connection (father or mother are german, spanish, thai, etc...) Work colleagues tend to be really boring and uninterested. (I guess they already have a social circle and see no need or interest to extend it... their loss) The longer I remain here the more I hate the country and its people:
    I hate the Swiss because of their inability to express their own opinion, to be direct and open or to take responsibility. I hate their insincerity, their inferiority complexes, their lack of manners. They way they treat you because you are foreign, especially if your skin colour is dark! My experience is that they are friendly at first but pretty racisist when you look a bit closer.....they are deeply distrustful of anything foreign (they even hate Germans...with whom they share a language...sort of...) I hate that they think anyone with a bit of confidence and openess is arrogant or even rude. I hate that they are unable to think outside of their small and very confined borders. Geographically, mentally and socially! I hate that if they do not have a "drawer" to put you in they will reject you completely. I hate that anything Swiss is without question superior in their minds...talk about arrogance...sheesh! Switzerland has a very high suicide rate for such a developed and "neutral" country. My theory is that as the Swiss grow older, they become more and more discontented with their dishonest and hypocritical society. (look at the amount of "crazies" in Bern or just look at the facial expression of anyone over 40!) Hence the drooping mouths and suicides....but that's just a theory. I AM SURE THAT THERE ARE FRIENDLY SWISS PEOPLE THAT ARE ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH AS US, BUT I JUST HAVEN'T MET ANY YET...

    The scenery is beautiful! All of the above is not the pretty countrys' fault, so please still come visit. Just don't come to live. You are welcome to leave your money here. Best leave all of it! In a bank. Then leave please! :D

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