• ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Valeria Saras

    Racism in Germany is BAD - but there is a lot of hypocrisy!

    โพสต์โดย  Valeria Saras ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Racism is VERY bad in Germany, VERY bad - but people have learned not to express it as directly as they used to do it in the 1930ies or even in the 1950ies. Germans have learned to become very hypocrite!
    I'm a mulatto who was born in Germany and came out of the womb of a woman who was considered a "normal" German. I was never accepted as a full family member by most of the people in my mother's family. My grandfather was the only one who accepted me! Cultural and family affilation don't count to Germans, all they want is to keep their pale, blond and blueeyed race pure! I even knew people with two German parents but who were darkhaired and who were often perceived as gypsies or foreigners just because they slightly differed from the norm!

    Whenever there was a conflict of interests, argument or whatever of any sort (was, because luckily I don't live in Germany anymore) between a person that looked German to the majority of Germans ( in Germany more than any where else in the world a certain look is imposed as the condition for inofficial membership for something as huge as an entire nation) between somebody else and me other Germans would automaticaly be on the side of the other person no matter what the circumstances where.
    Germans only defend their own kind! They usually only help "their own kind" also (if they help at all, which is rare because they tend to be quite cold!)

    I don't know how many times I had to meet a professional for the first time and as soon as this person sees me approaching from far away has his or her face going down. (microexpressions tell everything). It happens because they didn't expect a mulatto. I had no accent on the phone. It was a shock to them!
    Most Germans are so ignorant they don't even know what a mulatto looks like and take us for all sorts of other stuff and just class us as foreigner and that's it anyway, the interest doesn't go beyond.
    Also, how many Germans think that a mulatto or anybody else who doesn't fit their "standard look" shouldn't have Germanic names, even if they also have German ancestors! I feel that Germans particularly resent the president of the United States being a mulatto and whished they could change that!

    Germans just need to feel superior to everybody else! They might not even be aware of it but unconsiously they do! Only if they feel superior they can fell great about themselves. They are very competitive and measure everyone according to THEIR valuesystem. But as feelings of superiority and inferiority always fgo hand in hand - they have their insecurities, they definitively have and they try to compensate!
    Germans cannot stand other people being better than them, they always want to be best in everything! This is the true reason for the Holocaust since the Jews tended to do quite well intellectually and were more quickminded. The German academics were getting desperate and in vain tried to restrict their access to universities and other institutions! By the way, there is still a lot of discrimination in German universities but nothing can be done about this since in Germany the existence of racism is usually denied!

    For me Germany never felt right, it wasn't even the racism experiences on a daily basis. I just don't like Germans and never really did. They tend to be pure head people with almost no heart. The center of their motiviation is in their heads, they are overly rational and miss out all the other dimensions o life. They love distance and always want distance. They have no real sense of family and friendship, they don't know how to enjoy life without alcool and going overboard. They are boring and heavy thinkers, not quickminded, most of them have no sense of humour, they are not passionate at all. Also they usually get on best with people who are just as boring as they are. Everything else is perceived as disturbing. Oh yes, and they love RULES! Rules are what really makes them tick! They just need them since they have no inner moral compass of their own! They are also very pessimistic and always find something to criticise in other countries! For some funny reason the average German, who is usually quite ignorant, that's true, also tends to associate other countries, especially countries which are southwards from Germany or southwestwards from Germany mainly with sex as well as lazyness while at the same time completely ignoring anything relevant about these countries or their cultures.

    I'm happy because very young I made the decision to emigrate and leave Germany. I went back for short periods about 4 times and each and everytime regretted it more! I'm so glad I escaped! Outside Germany I can normally interact with people and people smile at me in the street. One can make negative experiences everywhere but in Germany for those who don't fit the german physical norm of being pale, blond and blueeyed these negative experiences dominate. Northrhine-Westfalia where I grew up used to be considered an open-minded region but I felt that with more immigration the situation got worse.

    The problem is that the founding myth of the German state is based on race, but they simply do not understand that a nation is too big to make national identity dependent on race which is what most of them still so. Some German administrations even class everyone who had only ONE foreign ancestor after 1945 as foreigner, "migrant" is how they call it. Why 1945 one could ask, is it because those who were still left after 1945 can can be considered true Germans?

    For me this country is crazy and I just had to rant because I met a German a couple of days ago who had the same stupid mindset most of them have. The problem is I always give every one I meet a chance thinking maybe this person is different, given that the person lives abroad, only to discover that most of them are alike and exceptions are rare.

