• Again denial

    پوسٹڈ بايئ یوزر کو ڈیلیٹ کر دیا گیا ہے انرر جرمنی فورم 

    "First of all, it's too naive to come to a new country to expect to become one of "them" right off the boat." and your 3 years stay in Germany makes you believe that Germany and Europeans are racist. Now you contradict your own words.

    The sad part is that you cannot see the pain of many immigrants in Canada. Your success does not mean that every Canadian immigrant is happy. Its not only I, everyone in Canada is surrounded by unhappy immigrants, I'm not self-centered and that's the reason I see and feel the sufferings of others. Your hate for Germany (because you failed in that country) has made you so obsessed that you cannot see anything good about Germans and its sad to see that there is not a tiny light of hope in you to see the suffering of immigrants in Canada. I call it double standard or just a selfish attitude to only see your pain and deny the suffering of other by you (Canadians).

    I talked about some Canadian characteristic that they never see out of the box and they never accept criticism even how many facts you show them and thanks for proving my point.

    Please ask those Turks who are leaving country whether they want to move to Canada, if they have some relatives in Canada then they may say... thanks but no thanks. One more thing please don't put America and Canada in the same pot, as they are not really the same. In America people are never excluded due to their non-American professional experience or education. Please ask those doctors and even IT specialist who leave Canada as soon as they get citizenship as they get better jobs in US and are honestly welcomed.

    According to Don DeVoretz, chairman of Simon Fraser University's Centre for Research on Immigration, about 30% of immigrants leave Canada in the first five years after arriving. (survey from 2002 later years the numbers soared).

    Hong Kong immigrants to Canada have a high rate of returning to HK and its 10x more in numbers of Turks returning to their home from Germany. You will find Turks in each and every small town of Germany. And please look at immigrants in Canada who are forced to to stay only in big cities.

    "If Canada doesn't want the brightest computer programmers, science PhDs, doctors and financial experts there are a hundred other countries that do," says Myer Siemiatycki, director of Ryerson University's graduate program in immigration and settlement studies.

    "Canada is gaining a reputation overseas as a place that's not as friendly to immigrants as people like to think. And, now, immigrant patterns and opportunities aren't what they used to be."

    Zhang says 675,000 Canadians have moved to Asia alone – the majority over the last decade – and that figure doesn't include those who left the country before getting their citizenship.

    "The numbers are soaring," says Don DeVoretz, a professor of economics at Simon Fraser University who has studied the trend of immigrant flight for over 10 years. "Hong Kong, India and the U.S. are the most popular destinations.

    "I did a study to find out who is leaving and it's the best and the brightest, immigrants and those born in Canada. The research shows they do much better than those they left behind."


    Newcomers from the United States and Hong Kong were most likely to leave Canada, with about half leaving within 10 years. Newcomers from Europe or the Caribbean, in contrast, were about half as likely to leave.

    Language was also a factor. Bilingual immigrants and those fluent in French had 25 per cent shorter stays. Married immigrants stayed 25 per cent longer than single immigrants.

    "As for Rob Ford becoming the mayor, it had a lot to do with the car drivers who voted for him, immigrants included." It proves my argument again, these cab drivers who were back home doctors, engineers and pilots have voted Rod Ford because these people don't want that more immigrants will come and will be either jobless or do petty work like they are doing.

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