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    Familly visit/ p.visa for Bangladesh.

    发表  momamed suleman 在 沙特阿拉伯论坛 

    Dear All,
    May please request to know that any possibility to have visit visa after Hajj
    For Being a bangladeshiz. Profession is not an issue. But my understanding either I am filling
    Wrong information or Bangladesh is not approved in their syestem !!
    There's nothing been stops actuall for HAJ. My coligs apply for his familly visit visa last Sunday
    And he got the approval at 8 pm. But the good thing he is from India even Muslims.
    And the ministry didn't even reasons him or corner him for HAJ reason.
    I already apply 8-9 times min. But always the riply comes " Tahtazar alujarat tahkik at talab"!!
    Please advise anyone what could be the reason for these respond. Allah Bless all of us.

    But still after all these Allahu Akbar and and Allah knows better all these.
    Why it's happening. ALHAMDULILLAH.

