• Profil uživatele Roger B

    I understand but it's a free democracy

    Publikováno uživatelem  Roger B v Fórum Švýcarsko 

    Look, I understand that things like the above links don't make it easy to feel welcome. However, speaking of limits to freedom of speach, that's a darn thin concept you are drawing up with regards to human dignity. It's not really objective and therefore you can easily ban things out of the wrong reasons. See, I'm surely not happy about these ads, but still I prefer to live in a country where it is possible to make such ads than in a country where everyone has to constantly remain politically correct and all statements have to be neatly checked before publishing. At least some parties show their true face in that way (although the first and last of your links actually are published by some "committees", but no one has to ask who's behind it) and can thus be attacked on.

    And looking at it from a legal point of view, anyone may file a complaint about those ads as defamating, because as you sure know, there is an anti-defamation law clearly stating where provocation ends and racism begins. And have a little more confidence in the good people of Switzerland. They are used to campaigns like that and I don't think that people really are convinced by that (most have made up their mind before that). It's an attempt to create a fuss, to force others into petty discussions about the ad instead of the topic enabling the people behind the ad to show themselves off as victims of left-wing media-bias and threatened in their freedom of speech.

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