• Profil uživatele canuck s

    @ roger

    Publikováno uživatelem  canuck s v Fórum Švýcarsko 

    first of all Roger, i have to say thank you. You are the very first swiss person who is able to give an intelligent constructive view on the whole situation. I'm just so sick and tired of hearing "well, if you don't like it, leave our country". Thats why i'mk so happy that there are people like you who are trying to put things into perspective for us.

    Just a quick not about the Kantönligeist, i think every country has those sort of identity divisions, for example I come from the province Alberta, where the two cities Edmonton and Calgary (with Edmontonians and Calgarians) have a friendly rivalry. We say Calgary sucks (esp when it comes to hockey, think FCB VS FCZ) and Calgary says the same, but when it comes to national pride we are all one. There also a division between west and east, and even the "newfies" and "quebecers" who have their whole own thing going on (kinda like the welsher). But all that aside, i've never heard (nor do i see) that that arguing point plays a factor. On a whole we tend to be friendly people. Not all necessarily outgoing, but friendly. And Canada has just as many foreigners as Swizterland. So I dunno what it is. Maybe once a foreigner gets to Canada he can finally be at ease? I met really good friends of mine, they immigrated from Russia. (Here the swiss hate russians. I never even knew what an Albanian was before I moved here. I also never had comments to me and i quote " you better take your husbands name when you marry because your name is too jugo" in Canada. I guess i was in shock because in Canada we almost have an opposite problem going on. Partly because of the negativity and the mistakes made with the aboriginals 300 years ago and the increased pressure for equal rights, the current situation is favourable to foreigners. You have better chanced if youre darnk skinned and female than you do if you're white. I came to Switzerland totally naive thinking ,yea their gonna love me, im a foreigner. Buzzer. How wrong i was. But the racial terms aside, i find myself to be more tense here than back home. I find myself having to worry about if im goign about the proper way with the swiss, all self concious, instead of just being laid back and easy going. Swiss (in my experience thus far) have a hard time understanding what that is, due to their reservations. :) So the next time I'll just tell them to ease up, i dont bite. Well, only upon request ;)

    But seriously, what are you guys scared of? We are already here, so us taking jobs away isnt going to change much. But wheres the risk in trying out a new friendship. You can always back out if you aren't interested? ... Thanks again Roger for your answers. Wish there were more of you here :D

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