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    publicado por  T Y en Foro de Alemania 

    It's more to do with racial background, facial features, the color of skin, etc., than your clothing or lifestyle. The less you look German, the worse they will treat you. For example, Nordic foreigners encounter a lot less racism than African, Asians, and Muslims.

    Whether you have a shaved head, or pink spiky hair, have a car or ride a BMX, pushing a shopping cart picking up empty bottles no matter what you do or have, as long as you have the right kind of skin, you'll be treated with respect in Germany.

    If you can't believe what I said, just ask any German punk kids, pedophiles, rapists, Neo nazis, or any criminals if they experience discrimination constantly.

    Before start flaming me, here's an article that illuminates my point:


    "Zwei Türken verhindern einen Diebstahl – und haben die halbe Beusselstraße gegen sich.

    Dass sie weggeschaut hätten, kann man den Menschen in der Beusselstraße nicht vorwerfen, im Gegenteil, am Ende waren es nach Polizeiangaben 80 Passanten, die sich eingemischt haben– allerdings zugunsten der Straftäter."

    Germans can keep claiming it's an isolated incident every time racism becomes evident and it's only the minority of Germans are racists and most of them are nice people. So I wonder where supposedly at least more than 80 Germans were who would be cheering for the 2 Turkish heroes. Apparently it's not worse than UK or US accordingly to the Germans.

    All in all, as long as you don't expect to be treated in Germany the way the Americans are treating you, then it'll be ok. And you should draw your own conclusion based on your own experience. It's different for everyone.

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