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    Your comment to Y.T.

    publicado por  John Lovejoy en Foro de Alemania 

    @Daniel Hollenbeck

    Your comment to Y.T.
    “I mean seriously, allegations of racism are rich coming from a Japanese person. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Sorry TY, racists ARE everywhere. That is not lame, but a sad fact of life”

    That is a racist slur, because you’re dismissing his entire post solely because he is Japanese.
    I am not calling or branding you a racist and don’t think that you meant this to be racist.
    But it is.
    And that is precisely the problem in Germany that prejudices, racial slurs, negative attitude toward immigrants, foreigners, ethic minorities, denial of housing and jobs is not considered to be racist.
    It’s like a huge blind spot, when in fact it is the definition of racism and xenophobia.

    What makes the problem exponentially worse is what is currently discussed in the “Are Germans rude” tread on the same board.
    Where several Germans explained that it is not common to talk to or be friendly with “strangers”. That it’s not rude, “ Get used to it if you want to live here. Deal with it.”
    As if this where not rude.
    Presenting the stranger, foreigner, immigrant, ethnic minority with the problem that he/ she has little chance to change that rash judgments past on face value alone because of the standoffishness and cultural disconnect.

    I cannot count how often I have witnessed or encountered such prejudices and slurs engaged in by otherwise perfectly normal if not nice people here, done with such nonchalance and air of entitlement and that is what makes it so chilling and disturbing.
    They don’t see and often appear to be unaware how offensive and hurtful this is, precisely because it is so normal in Germany and culturally acceptable.
    You can’t fix a problem if you don’t recognize it.

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