• עבור אל הפרופיל של T Y


    פורסם על ידי  T Y ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    No matter how much effort immigrants make in order to integrate into the German society, if the society itself is not ready to accept them to become a part of the society, then what good is the integration program for?

    Chinese who can't speak much English living in Chinatown in any given North American city are more accepted than the Turks who speak German living in Germany. Or at least if a Chinese person chooses to learn English, he or she has a much better chance in having a fair shot at succeeding than Turkish Germans who were born in Germany. It takes both parties to make integration work.

    I mean it still makes sense to come to Germany if your country is in turmoil and don't have any other choice but to leave the home country, then Germany is still generous enough to receive refugees. But if you don't happen to be a refugee, I don't see the merit any more to live in Germany. Especially if you are from one of the G20 countries, you are probably not used to being treated like a roach. While we have to respect the German way of living, it's hard to accept the reality on a daily basis. The topic of anti-immigration is everywhere, on TV, radio, magazines, etc., and we are exposed to it every single day. It does make me feel like a criminal. Obviously we somehow invade their personal German space.

    Racism will be swept under the rug forever in Germany. I just don't see the light in this respect. Unless they have Germany to themselves, they won't be happy. And as long as they aren't happy in their own country, they won't be happy having immigrants in Germany. And they are saying they have had enough! They want less immigrants.

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