• עבור אל הפרופיל של T Y


    פורסם על ידי  T Y ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    as far as holocaust goes, I know that is what's taught in schools and how History channel is playing almost every week on this subject to demonize the Germans, and as much as I don't like the German mentality and so on, just to be fair, the American establishments (IBM, for example) were also aiding the Hitler's regime by supplying the database to register all the Jews who got sent to concentration camps, etc., and Prescott Bush, that is, the grandpa Bush I believe, partially supported Hitler's operation by supplying them with artillery. and Jews who fled to the US were trying to get the truth out by the American publications, but they all refused to cover it. and towards the end of the war, everyone pretended to be so surprised by what they discovered in all over Europe. but certain Americans and Brits, especially the ones in military and higher up in government knew exactly what was going on, but they let the Germans take care of the Jews, and show up towards the end to look like heroes.

    I don't think it was so black and white as you described. I mean, 6 million Jews were exterminated, and NO ONE outside Europe honestly knew what was going on? it was orchestrated all over Europe, and the allies knew exactly where the concentration camps were, and which rail roads were leading to the camps, but those facilities were never targeted. antisemitism wasn't limited to Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa.

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