• Menj patrick eso profiljához

    I am quite aware of such in Germany

    hozzászóló:  patrick eso itt Németország fórum 

    @Diana I
    I belive your story .A friend of mine had similar thing but with an optician given wrong glasses.This was a german old Doctor. He only apologised, corrected the situation . The victim was an American.Germans are good at making good things happen when it involves two Auslanders no question about it. Then when it involves you Auslander and them , then they will check wether you have commited any offence before, just to polarize the situation. I had a divorce, I had a car accident which was not my fault. A stationary car parked properly on the road side, just like other cars. Only that the company owner of the truck are the big wigs in german trucking business.It was really a big fight before the police gave me my right, I took up a jewisch Lawyer and everybody were queit again.Their divorce inshort was laughable not like in North America.I don`t feel like discussing it. I have put it behind me already.My life has since moved on good.


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