• Menj John Lovejoy profiljához


    hozzászóló:  John Lovejoy itt Németország fórum 

    “I hear you. the US is actually turning into a pretty scary place (abusive department of homeland security, internet kill switch, currency devaluation, etc).”

    @ Y.T.
    Perhaps you’ve been subjected to a dose of left wing propaganda. :))

    Germany for instance is far more intrusive into your private life than the US.
    They just don’t talk about it.
    The state is permitted to read to private emails for years back without a court order and can persecute you without notice for anything they find in there.
    Even if you delete them they are logged for years back.

    Citizens/ everybody has to register where they live, unthinkably in the US.
    Germany exercises more control over its citizens than any other western nation.
    It’s also be biggest bureaucracy per capita in the world.

    To put it in a nut shell by comparison.
    In the US you exercise your rights, where as in Germany have to ask for permissions.
    Very different feeling.


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