• Vai al profilo di John Lovejoy


    pubblicato da  John Lovejoy in Germania forum  

    @ G.N.
    "what other 2 genocides are you talking about?"

    The Nambian Genocide perpetrated by Germany in the quest for Lebensraum between 1904 and 1907 in German South-West Africa.
    In this Genocide, Germany started the practice of sending the cut of heads of the Nambian and Herero people to German universities to study their features.
    Studying and measuring their facial futures to establishing guidelines as to which humans should have a right to exist and which don’t.
    The results and standards of these studies a few years later where applied to the Jewish people, the gypsies and everybody else who’s facial features could not conform to the newly established German norm …. Condemning them to extermination as unworthy of life.
    Below is link to a fairly good documentary about his…. but there is more to it if.

    The Armenian Genocide of 1915 with Turkey as a partner serving a common geopolitical interest.
    Though Germany has tried for many years to pin this on Turkey as the sole perpetrator, investigations and records show that all the logistic and central planning came from Berlin and was financed by Deutsche Bank.
    The rail roads and rails cars to transport the Armenian people to their death was supplied by Deutsche Bahn. ( the national German train system) …still operating today as DB.
    Moreover and most telling, many of the German officials at the time involved in orchestrating this later also became members of Hitler’s cabinet.
    Thus my reference to the blue print.

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