• well said

    pubblicato da Utente eliminato in Germania forum  

    Oliver I'm not German but I say the same, if you don't like living in Germany then go back to your home. I've witnessed more racism in other parts of the world than in Germany. Its sad to see that UK and US+Canada medias only show negative stuff about Germans, they show that Germany is still under the rule of Hitler...for God say, it has been changed ages ago and you find more neo-nazis in their countries than in Germany. About black why they don't cry when American black call afro black inferior or when Jamaican black thinks he has lighter skin than african black so he is better than them??? I must say I've witnessed couple of times racism from Bavarian people but these Bavarian do not represent the whole German nation. In general Germans are quite nice just they are afraid to give a decent job to non Germans. I'm still struggling maybe with my masters degrees from Germany, one day I'll able to find a small office job. I've no complaints about that, Frankfurt is a big city and one day I'll be lucky.

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