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    geplaatst door  John Lovejoy in Duitsland forum 

    @ YT

    Yes it took an enormous amount of fire power and effort of 4 nations to stop Germany.
    So why was the German war machine so powerful despite its devastating losses in the East in the later years?
    Because they used the labor of millions of conquered people to built their war infrastructure
    They where disposables ….worked to death on a starvation diets …with an endless supply of more waiting in the wings.

    Building the railways, camps, weapons factories, underground bunkers …….Thus Germany didn’t have to use the labor of their own people, leaving them free to tend the farms and the men to fight the wars.
    None of the Allies had millions of people as slave labor at their disposal.
    As cruel and inhuman this was it was also the epitome of efficiency when human life is worthless.

    And even when the writing was on the wall …..Hitler did not want to quit, when some of his generals tried to suggest it.
    Hess even flew to England very much to Hitler’s dismay hoping to broker a peace.
    In the end Hitler still deluded, armed German teenagers and old men to defend Berlin.
    By the time 1944 ad 45 rolled around there was no rime and reason to his strategy anymore.
    It was the only way, to bomb Germany into oblivion.
    Should we have brought flowers and asked for chat?

    Neither did the German people rise up to demand an end or a peace, or where willing to give up the conquered lands and houses they now occupied.
    You have to remember that the beginning of the Nazi era was an incredibly successful time of prosperity for Germany.
    They did not want to let go of that idea.

    But bombing the camps would have been bad form with all those people incarcerated there.
    The point was to liberate them….not bomb them.
    Many also had POW, and bombing them would have been very wrong.

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