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    geplaatst door Verwijderde gebruiker in Duitsland forum 

    Valeria Saras,

    it is sad to read your statements. In fact, i would agree to the facts you wrote.
    There are too many facts no one can ignore in Germany:
    - many foreigners were killed by german people only because of their ethnic source/nationality.
    -German nationalists are overall of the german society as upper class, middle class people: estimately 60 percent of german society
    - the german media produces continuisly news which should show that foreigners are responsible for the economical damages in Germany. The taxes which were paid by foreigners are always ignored by german media.
    - Most of the german political groups use issues referring to foreigners as inflammatory articles
    - foreigners are always distrusted by german people. german people make a distance to foreigners: there is no any real social communication and relationship between germans and foreigners
    - foreigners are mobbed at employment by customers, colleagues
    - foreigners are stared everywhere
    - the foreigners policy is not showing any democracy
    - institutional racism in the most official departments: these issue is always ignored by german politicians
    - children of foreigners are systematically disadvantaged during education

    The foreigners in Germany are splitted and have no chance to feel well : the suspicion between germans and foreigners will never be destroyed.
    Nowadays, racism is the biggest problem of Germany. But the german people are afraid of loosing their image and they never talk about this racist german policies and behaviours. Instead, they keep on ignoring their own racism and attacking humanity in politics, economy, social life.
    Anyhow, the few foreigners who are left in Germany are the ones who can not immigrate because of the lack of money an education. Most of them are criminalised, poor and at the end of mind because of the german policies in education, institutions, media, verbal and physical attacks, lack of having human conditions to live, getting the opportunity to be employed, forced to be deported into slums etc.). This people are the foreigners which the racist german society has produced.
    All steps which are made in Germany against racism by any officials and politicians are psuedo in order to
    give evidence that german politics are democratic.
    But the truth is that even german police is racist. Foreigners in Germany have to be protected by german society and german institutions. The conditions of prisoners from foreign countries are anything than human in Germany. Foreign languages are forbidden in Germany (for example during breaks at school between students from foreign countries).That is not democracy.
    German people do not support any of our experiences because they only fear to lose image in world.
    I do not want to be commented by any of them.

    Valeria, i wish you a good environment where you can live and work with human beings in a human way instead of in a way like robots.

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