• Va para perfil de John Lovejoy


    Postado por  John Lovejoy em Alemanha forum 

    @ Y.T.
    No, the people in Germany cannot change anything because their type of Government structure is authoritarian from the top down and not government by the people by design.
    - Their Government does not believe that people can govern themselves.
    - Or are capable of making sound choices for themselves
    - Or could possibly learn to be responsible if left to their own devises or free will.
    Which is why the state decides for them via their immense bureaucracy, at best granting some narrow multiple choices.

    Germany is a surveillance state, where everybody must be watched by the government.
    Ein Ueberwachungs staat.
    You ask for permissions instead of exercising your rights.
    Cradle to the grave supervision.
    Everything has a specific protocol determined and supervised by the state even for the minutest details they have a government department.
    From what kind of a light bulb you are allowed to use to the buttons on your toilet.
    No noise allowed between 12 and 3 pm
    Opening hours of private business and on and on.
    Raised in this environment explains why they are so intimidated and subservient to authority.

    If this stifling authority where removed from one day to the next or drastically decreased to more “normal” levels, their society would melt down and total mayhem would ensue, because nobody was ever taught to be responsible or self-sufficient or care for their fellow men on their own accord.
    They don’t take care of each other, there is little to no sense of civic duty in Germany amongst the people, because that is the Government’s responsibility only.

    The German people do not get to vote on their Chancellor or President
    The German chancellor is decided on by an appointment mechanism where 600 plus members in the Bundestag elect him or her by secret ballot and the people get whatever those 600 some “elites” decided on , but because it’s secret ballot the people don’t know who their representatives appointed for them and therefor cannot hold them accountable.
    In other words they are completely left out of the loop.
    Perhaps also reason why they are so fascinated by American elections.

    Germany is an Authoritarian State masquerading as a Democracy but operating as a massive bureaucracy to implement that authority.
    The primary example of the western world of what happens when you sell your freedom and personal liberty for a false security.

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