• to the Germans in the forum!!

    Postado por Usuario deletado em Alemanha forum 

    Please, say something about things like this:

    "Sure it’s cute and serves the elites and special interest but not regular people in Germany hovelling at the bus stop in the cold or pushing their bicycle through the snow. ..In fairness, if Germany where to let all people have independent transportation like I the US, their traffic system would be extremely strained if not collapse because they don’t have the infrastructure for that.
    These days the Autobahns are already crowded and there are only limited routed with no speed limit."

    What the heck!!! come on. I'm not German and I'm getting upset about it.

    This sounds like they are describing a 3rd world country almost. Everybody knows German highways are amazing, there was even a documentary on TV about it. Also about the quick response to accidents.

    And what, there is no traffic in the US? try driving a 20 minute drive in Chicago with snow and tell me how long it takes you. Try any day of the week in Chicago and tell me how great traffic is. Or any other big city for that matter, or even not so big.

    And how about those potholes?? dont be driving a sports car because you will be hitting the top every few minutes with so much jumping. Even toll highways have potholes!!

    And what's the deal with the pieces of tire all over the place? I never saw that in SPain, why is that happening?

    Ah... I don't think German cars are the best because they are just building them for the rest of the world. Man, now I'm upset.

    People, you better leave German cars and roads alone!!!!! :-)

    PS: I think many Germans use public transportation for the same reason they do in SPain, it's cheaper than gas and in many cases easier because you don't need to worry about parking, which is a problem. Plus, Germans have a reputation for caring about the environment, that may be another reason.

    But for sure is not that Germans cannot afford cars, unless all those BMWs and Audis and Mercedes I see everywhere when I go there are for the rich only, then Germany has lots of rich people.

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