• Sumon Swagger

    @Jet Setter what?

    опубликовал  Sumon Swagger в форум в Германия 

    Dude what are you saying?? "Us and Uk have better working rights" Probably UK, but us doesn't, their working rights suks, EU has the best working rights of the world.

    "the British hated me for being an indian and when they find out i am a rich Indian they hate me even more"
    Probably because you tried to be friend of normal people instead of millionaires. The truth is normal people (including me) doesn't like the rich guy because of their money (yes, we are gelouse, only because we aren't lucky to have lot of money like you) and also because they're superficial. As you said: "I carry myself well, I dress well" this isn't the most important thing of the world, some people don't give a shit about this, the important thing is how you are as person.
    I'm also from east asia like you, I live in Italy and I've been a few times in French, German and I've also friends from UK and they don't seem racist to me, maybe because I'm in their same social level, who knows?? Yes, there are few ignorant people who are racist, just ignore them and you'll resolve your problem.

    when I was 7-8 I lived for 2 years in India, and I can tell you also there are lot of ignorant racist people.
    I think you've confused the meaning of racist, if the french call you maharaja that doesn't mean that they like you, maybe they only want your money and they're pretending to be nice with you. If accepting you means that the people have to call you maharaja, then you're in the wrong planet dude.

    p.s. if you have so much money and you don't know how to spend them then why don't you give it to me?? or give me a job, so I'll resolve my problems.

    p.p.s. You tried to be friend of other millionaires?? I think they'll accept you.

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