• but is it really like that?

    опубликовал Пользователь удалён в форум в Германия 

    I've been thinking about moving to Germany and you guys are scaring me a bit, but, at the same time, I think it may be your interpretation and not reality.

    I am from Spain but have lived in the US for many years. I have never, ever, never, not once from one person, experienced any kind of discrimination in the US, and I do have a strong accent.

    But, I have friends from Spain or South American here that say that Americans are racist. Interestingly enough, these are people that don't speak English at an acceptable level, and that keep watching the channels in Spanish instead of just the American ones (same for buying books in Spanish instead of English). People that will say, we are not like them (the Americans).

    To me that's not that Americans are racist, if you don't want to assimilate, they can't force you, but don't ask them to like it or you. I am from Spain myself and I am upset at going to the store and seeing everything in English and Spanish, very disrespectful and we know who to blame for it.

    So I'm wondering if this may be the case in Germany too. I think when you go live in a country you should be that country's biggest fan, and work very hard to adapt to it. I think not trying to adapt and then saying they don't accept you because they are racist is stupid. They don't accept you because you don't have respect for their country.

    Anyway, I don't know how it really is in Germany, but I threw in my US experience and would like to know what you think.

    I am also of the opinion that you love it or leave it, for any country, and I don't think that is xenophobic at all, it just makes sense.

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