• Esmi R.


    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது  Esmi R. அதில் ஜெர்ம்னிஅமைப்பு 

    Hello, I am new in the forum. For me it is weird to see these kinds of comments in a forum. But I must agree about this post. I just came to do my phd four mounths ago and I have had a lot of problems. I've been living in Norway and Belfast and I haven't had any poblem with natives, the oposite, they have been very nice and polite with me. I really love traveling and knowing new cultures for that reason I came to Germany to do my phD but I think it is the worst decision I've taken in my whole life.

    When I arrived, a neighbour started screaming at my mother because I was drying my hair at 21.00 o'clock. But this is not the worst, in the shops they did not want to tell me how the prepaid internet works because they said that I did not have money to pay the monthly fee. In the place I work, most of people don't talk to me due to the language above all young ones. In Norway, I learned norwegian in 6 months because I felt motivated but here I feel stressed so It's harder for me to start.

    I am a clever girl and I think I will overcome these issues but I cannot consider them tolerant people. I did my master in english in my home country spain. And most of the students were foreigners, and we were talking english with them, and we hung out with them. I think you have to give some margin to the person. For example if someone has been to one country for 5 years and he does not know the language, in this case, I would consider it a lack of respect, but for someone who wants to learn it and needs time and they just ignore it for me they don't deserve any effort.

    Well, this is my opinion got from my experience. I travelled a lot and I have lived in a lot places, I haven't had problems to make friends with people from the place but here it is impossible. For me it is a lost cause so I will try to integrate but not for them, for me.

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