• do not agree

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது உப்யோகிபோரை நீக்கவும் அதில் ஜெர்ம்னிஅமைப்பு 

    I am from Germany and I do not agree with this stupid book. I have not read it and will not.
    But I read your stories and I hope one day you feel well in Germany and no one say stupid things to you all.
    But I have to say I feel unwell when somebody looks at me, too. For me it is not important which person, if my boyfriend, my sister, a friend or a stranger. I am feeling like I have something in my face, but now I want do something against this that you do not fell unwell because of me.
    I hope with you and your maybe childs, we can create a open Germany.

ஒரு பதிலை போஸ்ட் செய்யவும்

மற்ற பதில்கள்