• I agree on some things

    发表 用户已删除 在 德国论坛 

    I agree with you that Spain doesn't like that culture and therefore it doesn't like the people that belong to that culture. If they happen to be of a different race, that's just a coincidence. But yes, what is disliked is the culture, not the race in itself.

    I agree also that maybe a racist person will make lots of jokes about that, maybe or maybe not , but it's possible.

    But I don't agree that telling 'racist' jokes makes you racist. I also think it's stupid that you can make jokes about your own group but not others.

    Examples. Larry David from Curb your enthusiasm. I believe he is Jewish and boy does he make fun of Jews. Almost in every episode. Do you think he is anti Semite? I think he is just funny.

    Or Bill Maher when he made the joke about noises in theaters not letting him hear what black people are shouting at the screen. He is not a racist, he is funny. And he was making a joke about something that is true, for whatever reason.

    Society is just too sensitive

