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    good point.

    发表  T Y 在 德国论坛 

    Ken raised a good point. quite a few foreigners have reasons (jobs, marriage, etc) that make them live in Germany (often unwillingly). and the German employers / spouses will tell you racism in Germany is not THAT bad, so move to Germany!

    I have no doubt Germany is a great country with outstanding dependable infrastructure in place, relatively safe everywhere, if you are German, the only thing to complain about is the weather.

    but from my personal experience and the ones from other visible and audible (Caucasians with foreign accents) minorities, racism in Germany can be a bit too much, not due to the neo nazis or the dark past that makes foreigners "imagine" that's how the Germans are, but the daily subtle yet very insensitive comments and gestures by the average regular Germans, which in the end, makes the lives in Germany very unpleasant for many of the foreigners who HAVE TO live there for the German companies / spouses who insist it's better in Germany.

    again, I admit, it must be better for the Germans, yes, but not necessarily for the foreigners.

    the real problem lies in their immigration / refugee policies though. for a country with the majority of people not too willing to accept foreigners and let them into the mainstream, it's way too easy for a foreigner to move there. the government is not listening to its people who elected them. so in a way, it's unfair to blame the Germans for being ausländerfeindlich. they didn't want the Ausländer there in the first place. and foreigners are assuming it's their right to live in Germany just because their German spouse / employer arranged the right paper. it's ironic that both the Germans and the foreigners are suffering from the consequences.

    so Germans, before telling "go back to your country!" to foreigners, tell their German spouse / employer first that their foreign employees / spouses should leave Germany because they don't like it there. if you can convince your countrymen, those foreigners will gladly go back.

