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    Racism in continental Europe vs. UK / USA

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Jet Setter σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    I am an indian who has lived in the US, UK and france as well as spent considerable time in Germany , switzerland, italy, spain, malta, netherlands, belgium, and monaco. I am not a typical indian looking person, a lot of north indians have very mediterranean looks and I am one of those ...blue eyed, light skinned, chiselled face ...so wherever i go i ak thought to be greek or italian mostly...even in the US everyone thought i was italian. However in the US many times people would approach me thinking I am european but upon finding out I am an Indian they would ignore me, abuse me or just pretend to like me but lose interest gradually in a subtle way....and this happened many times over the ten years i spent in the US. Frankly I found americans also very uncultured, ignorant and rather dumb, boring and lacking in any depth so I gladly left the US and moved to UK....the boggest mistake of my life. UK was undeniably the most racist hell on earth ...despite looking like a european i faced constant abuse and racism at all levels in UK....from immigration to the police to racism in social life...constantly being reminded i am a foriegner and an indian. British are the biggest bullies in the world...and mind u ...i didnt move to Uk to work there or steal jobs....i am a millionaire..have always been one...and am very down to earth so i like to mingle with all sorts of people...the British hated me for being an indian and when they find out i am a rich Indian they hate me even more. I moved to France and have spent more than 2 years in france already...although the french have many issues, i can easily say that they are more human and sweet than english speaking westerners. The french love foreigners like me...they call me a maharaja and have zero prejudices against me...because I carry myself well, I dress well, behave well and respect the culture, way of life and rules in any country where I go...but all this didnt work for me in the US and UK...those countries may have better working rights and laws to protect foreigners but socially they reject foreigners ....the french on the other hand have bad working rights for immigrants but socially accept everyone if u make an effort to fit into their society. As for Germany....ive been to berlin several times...i am not white like a german...ive travelled alone in germany..walked around at 2 am in the night in Berlin...taken their underground all alone late at night and never faced any racism or bad behaviour at all. Germans are a little plain but they are not bad people I think when compared to the british and americans ive met. The thing is all these small european countries are desperate to preserve their culture, language and history and why not they have an amazing past....but england and the US dont care because they already took over the world through the english language.

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