• Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Ron Saxena


    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Ron Saxena σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    What I miss in your argument is logic. genocides in Africa does not set and example for Germany to emulate the same.
    Once someone gets residency in a country, denying equal treatment is called RACISM, by any and every definition. And if you are systematically offered left overs of dominant section society, in spite of meeting criteria for something better, that is classic definition of second grade citizen.

    Now, I repeat : Justify issues in this reference frame. Do not bring in the injustice which was meted out to Dinosaurs when they were killed by asteroids. And hence trying to water down the issue, by claiming injustice and discrimination is omnipresent in this World.

    P.S: "my branch of Islam demands loyalty to the country you live in.." Very phony, and strongly unsubstantiated by socio-political evidences. Read some news, blogs. You will know, how far you are from reality.

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