• Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Vladimir Tatransky

    @Ron Saxena

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Vladimir Tatransky σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    I will not respond in the same manner as you did. I can see a lot of insults but no real arguments.

    If you will get a small bagel in German bakery and I will get a small bagel in the same bakery then it means that in your case it was racism but in my case it is fine - right? When it happened to me I just pointed my finger to a different bagel.

    "You are mixing up asylum seekers with brain drain immigrants" - I'm not mixing anything - all immigrants have the same rights but of course it is easier to get work permit and proper job for skilled ones. We are still in a foreign country and should be respectful to others.

    Prohibition of photos in CV you didn't answer at all - just another insult. In our team there are always at least 2-3 guys from India with the same position and salary as local team members. My previous team lead was from Mali. The girl promoted from position 1 was also from Afrika and overperformed all other German team members. So please do not tell "White job for whites".

    You didn't answer how prohibition of photos in CV suppose to help.
    I talked to others in our team and somehow no one considered that this can be an issue. In Germany it is common to go to professional photographer before you will send your CV out. Somehow this is a tradition in Germany - just check Xing.
    BUT lets consider that photo would be removed (It is not mandatory now - at least I didn't provide any)
    Most of the people would not care but if they do care about the skin color of their employees -
    According to your name, place of birth, attended universities, previous employers it is quite easy to say what is your origin. But even if someone would not notice that while reading your CV then I'm sure that they would notice when you would come over for an interview. So please explain how this can really help.

    "Lastly", as mentioned before I just provided the first link in google and you answered with insults. I'm sure that it would be possible to find the similar results on different sites. According to your reaction the results looks quite accurate. Somehow I missed your links to sites that would show us the "truth".

    Bottom line is that Germany is not without issues but no one should be afraid to visit it because it is absolutely safe there.

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